276 Days Left Until the World Ends: What’s on your list?

  According to the Mayan calendar, the world ends on December 21, 2012.  It’s so weird… I remember talking about 2012 decades ago in elementary school like it was a lifetime away, and now it’s finally here!  All this hype has had me thinking… what would I do if the world were really going to end?

Having just moved to a new state, I think I’d want to go out and experience it as much as possible.  I actually made a list a while back of all the things I want to do in Cali before the end of the year.  We’ve done some whale watching, and tourist stuff like the WB lot tour (so cool!), and we have a trip up to Napa Valley with some friends in two weeks.  In all, we had 16 options listed and are already on activity number 4.  We’re going to postpone any bigger trips since we’re trying to save, but I like having this list as a reminder for us to keep going out and doing things together.  Plus, there are several items on the list we can do for fairly cheap (like when we spent the day at the Santa Monica pier with our families).  One of my regrets was living near D.C. all my life and never really experiencing the breadth of what it had to offer.  We hope not to make that mistake with our time here in Cali.  As a another fun reminder to myself, I even set a countdown timer on my phone for 12/21/2012 so I don’t forget how much time is passing by.

If the world was going to end in December 2012, what would you realistically want to do before then?  Do you think you’ll end up doing it?

10 responses to “276 Days Left Until the World Ends: What’s on your list?

  1. I guess it is time to stop budgeting and stard spending freely!!! Yay. I would love to go to hawaii again. THe most beautiful place in the world. Of course this time i go it would be different we would be bringing 2 lil kiddiesI guess it is time to stop budgeting and stard spending freely!!!

  2. That’s funny, I have a very distinct memory of learning about the 2012 date in elementary school as well! Must have been about 1995.

    I think capitalizing on your time in your city is a great idea. I grew up in the DC area too – we tended to go to our favorite sites over and over (Natural History Museum!!) and I’ve still never been to a few key monuments! I’ve lived in NC now for over 3 years and have done almost no sight-seeing locally. We keep driving and flying out of state to see family and friends instead of checking out the local area. You’ve inspired me to make a list of places to visit before we move back to CA.

    • Yay, I’m so glad! Sometimes I change up the pretend event on 12/21 to something like, “what if that were the day I lost my job and had to move back home to my parents”, just to see if my list would change at all. If that happened, I’d be pretty bummed that I didn’t see CA while I had the chance just as much as losing the job.

      It’s funny that you mentioned the Natural History Museum… I must have done that one a dozen times, as well!

  3. First of all, if everyone knew, believed, accepted that the world will end in 200+ days… (maybe a meteoroid is coming towards the earth and will for sure hit it), I really think no one will be able to do ANYTHING. People won’t go to work (what’s the point?), large-scale riots will break out in all the major cities, people will be stocking up on ammo, utilities will go down, mass religious movements will spring up spontaneously, it’d be impossible to get from California to New York, and forget about Hawaii.

    Chaos, and then we all die.

  4. Haha. You make a really valid point! 🙂 I guess it’s a good thing the Mayans left us notes letting us know the calendar starts over as “Day 1” on December 22, 2012.

  5. If the world was really freaking ending, I would stop studying for the LSAT, stop worrying about debt, stop worrying about law school, stop trying to buy a condo, visit my family more often, and idk…. stop going to the gym! It’s crazy to think of what would happen. But then again, how can I really listen to the motto “live everyday like it’s your last”. Scary!

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